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Worship Services

9:00 AM

We believe that God meets us in worship giving us His gifts. Our 9 AM Sunday morning service is a traditional service that features music on the piano and pipe organ, often accompanied by our choir. Our services are organized around the liturgical calendar with messages that explore how God’s Word speaks into our lives today. The Lord's Supper is celebrated each week. 

11:15 AM (Returning Sept. 8)

Need a more relaxed atmosphere in which to worship and grow in Christ? Our 11:15 am worship service provides an alternative that is great for families as well as those wanting to dig in more interactively and grow together, exploring what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Music is led by our band and volunteers, young and old, share together in making worship a true community.

What to Expect - 9:00 AM

9:00 AM Worship FAQ's

When do services take place?

Our traditional worship service takes place every Sunday at 9:00 am. 

Are children welcome?

Yes! Children are encouraged to worship with their families at all our worship services!  Worship is for the whole family, where the whole family can learn, grow, and connect together. 

Are worship services offered online? 

Yes, the 9:00 AM worship service is streamed live on YouTube


How will I follow along with the service? 

Everything you will need for worship will be on the screen in the sanctuary. Additionally, each week we publish an Order of Service and you can download and print it at home for worship both in-person and online.

Order of Service

Will there be communion?

We will be offering communion as a part of our services allowing for appropriate precautions. We will provide gluten-free and non-alcoholic options as we have traditionally done. 

Is there a Sunday morning Bible study?

Yes, Bible studies take place most Sundays starting at 10:30 am. 
More Information

Is there a Sunday School for my kids?

Sunday school takes place from 10:30 to 11:10 am prior to the start of worship. We have classes for preschoolers through high schoolers. For additional information contact Sara Agee. 

What to Expect - 11:15 AM

11:15 AM Worship FAQ's

Will there be childcare for my preschooler or toddler?

While we will not have a staffed nursery for your child, you are welcome to make use of our Family room located in the sanctuary if you need a more private space for you and your child at any point during the service.  

Are children welcome?

Yes! Children are encouraged to worship with their families at all our worship services!  Worship is for the whole family, where the whole family can learn, grow, and connect together. 

Is there Sunday school for my kids? 

Sunday school takes place from 10:30 to 11:10 am. We have classes for preschoolers through high schoolers. For additional information contact Sara Agee. 

How will I follow along with the service? 

Everything you will need for worship will be on the screen in the sanctuary.

Are worship services offered online? 

Yes, worship services will be recorded and posted on the Church Hub

Church Hub


God has called everyone to be a part of His ministry. As our youth are comfortable, we encourage and equip them to be an active part of Sunday services. After the family service, our youth meet for Bible Study, activities, and fellowship from 7:00-8:30 pm in the youth room (next to the middle school classrooms). Click the link below for information on our other Youth Ministry offerings.

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Sunday Bible Classes

On each Sunday after worship, we gather to study God’s Word together at 10:30 AM. The classes are led by people like you diving into a host of different topics and books of the Bible. We’d love to have you join us for this special time in God’s Word.

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The On-Ramp

Life is a journey with many twists and turns. As you explore what it means to be a part of our community of faith, we invite you to take part in The On Ramp, a course that explores the basics of the Christian faith and what it means to be a part of a local community of believers in this place.

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