Integrated Pest Management Plan

May 04, 2023


It is the goal of Our Savior Lutheran Preschool is to implement an Integrated Pest Management Plan by focusing on long-term prevention or suppression of pest through accurate pest identification, by frequent monitoring for pest presence, by applying action levels, and by making the habitat less conducive to pests using sanitation and mechanical and physical controls. Pesticides that are effective will be used in a manner that minimizes risks to people, property, and the environment, and only after other options have been shown ineffective.

The following are the pesticides that will be used at Our Savior Lutheran Preschool and applied by EcoGuard. You will be notified 72 hours before any of these pesticides are used:

Rosemary Oil 10% Peppermint Oil 2%

Pesticide  Manufacturer
Essentia - IC3 Envincio
Lesco Prosecutor Herbicide Lesco, Inc. #524-536-10404
Ortho Weed B Gon The Ortho Group #228-553-239
Preen Weed Preventer Lebanon Seaboard Corp. #961-280


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