NLSW 2024 Celebrate Opening Chapel

Temptation in the Wilderness

The Spirit immediately drove him into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan." Lent is a time when those filled with the Spirit are called to reflection and repentance. We pray that we will remain steadfast under the trials of this world, and of Satan. That we would receive the promised crown of life. "The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.

I Am the Door (Family)

Life is messy, and sometimes we're guilty of making it messy. This week in Family Worship at 11:15 am we'll hear the story of Jesus telling us and a thief on the cross that He is the way into heaven, and He wants us there--even though we've made a mess of things.

Abounding in Steadfast Love

Why Ashes?

What is Lent?

Ash Wednesday marks Lent, or the 40 days prior to the JOYful celebration of Easter. This week in Family Worship, we are starting a series that will take us through the season of Lent and lead us to the JOY of the Resurrection.

Already But Not Yet

Jesus had an incredible moment with His closest disciples. Transfiguration is a time when God showed the glory of Jesus to the disciples through Jesus' radiance and intense white clothing. What an amazing event! How do we experience God's glory on this side of Heaven?

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

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