Joy in the Promises

Promises, Promises! God gave us over 8,000 promises in the Bible. Find out what some of those promises were and how we find JOY in God's promises.

The next phase of Jesus’ ministry begins as he starts to open up the realities of his upcoming death and resurrection. Peter for certain did not like this idea. He had an entirely different scenario in mind. Jesus calls him on the idea of avoiding the cross and instead teaches him (and us) about people who take up their crosses and follow him.

Ecclesiastes Conclusion

Rejoice Always

Joy In Suffering

Although it doesn't sound joyful like our theme, we'll be exploring how we can find joy in suffering.

We start our new school year with a theme of “JOY.” Our Gospel reading gives lots of reasons to have joy as a major part of our lives. Come join us in a celebration of our God who brings us joy!

Joy & Truth

Wrestling With God

Jesus’ interaction with a woman of tenacious faith challenges us to not be passive in our relationship with Jesus. Where in my life of faith do I need to actively engage with Jesus and plead my case for something that is important to me?

The Vanity of Aging

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