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Solid Ground - Ep. 12 - The Creed

Course: Solid Ground - Faith & Family

May 19, 2022 | Dave Rueter

The Creed

Downloadable Reflection Guide

When we talk about “The Creed” in the context of Luther’s Small Catechism, we are talking about the Apostles’ Creed. This creed is one of the three ecumenical creeds that binds the whole of orthodox Christianity in as much unity as seems likely this side of eternity. These creeds set out summaries of the essential and foundational truths of the Christian faith. In so doing, they mark out the boundaries of what is to be considered good and proper Christian teaching as compared to that which cannot be considered thus.

While the Apostles themselves were not directly the authors of this creed, the creed seeks to encapsulate their teaching as accurately as possible. The Apostles’ Creed is Trinitarian in structure. The first article focuses on God the Father as creator. The second article focuses on Jesus Christ and the salvation that comes through faith in His work here on earth. Finally, the third article explores the work of the Holy Spirit. This article covers both the faith formed in followers of Christ and the church that forms as individual disciples are called together to form the Body of Christ as both the local church and the church globally and throughout time.

Creeds act as tools for the church to define and codify what we together believe and hold dear. Drawn from scripture, creeds do not supersede the Word of God but seek to clarify and summarize the broad teaching of the Bible.

The recitation of the creed in corporate worship unites believers across the globe and throughout time as they publicly proclaim the faith that they hold in common. The inclusion of the creed in the catechism, following the 10 Commandments, has a certain logical design to it. The work of the commandments is to convict us of our sin. Having faced the reality of our sin, we now turn to the creed to explore the nature of who God is and how salvation is ours in Christ.

Thoughts for Reflection

What does the experience of reciting the Apostles’ Creed together in worship do to uplift and support your faith?

Course Information

The catechism has been a foundational tool in teaching the Christian faith across generations. Yet, too often the catechism is treated as a tool to be used during confirmation class and then placed on the shelf thereafter. This series explores three of the six chief parts from Luther's Small Catechism, focusing on the 10 Commandments, Apostles' Creed, and Lord's Prayer. Each part is an essential foundation for our faith and something that Luther emphasized ought to be revisited in the Christian home with regularity. 

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