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Faith Over Fear - Ep. 4 - Power & Love

Course: Faith Over Fear

February 03, 2022 | Dave Rueter

Passage: 2 Timothy 1:6-7

Power and Love

Downloadable Reflection Guide

Often when a list such as the one provided in 2 Timothy 1:7 is encountered in Scripture, the sequence has importance. In this particular passage, the sequence appears significant to our discussion of faith over fear.

Paul writes to his mentee Timothy from prison in Rome, perhaps aware that the conclusion of his life is not so far away. This reality makes his comments to young Timothy all the more poignant. Paul is seeking to inspire Timothy, even in the midst of his own personal challenging circumstances. Paul was handing-off the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Timothy and once again working to equip Timothy for this work.

Following Jesus’ departure from being physically present with His disciples, He promised to send the Holy Spirit. It is this spirit that Paul points Timothy to, stressing the power, love, and self-control of the Holy Spirit. God being God, it is natural to think in terms of His power, yet, we do not always think about this type of power specifically regarding the Holy Spirit. We might think in terms of the Holy Spirit’s power to save, but do we remember the Spirit’s power in the reshaping of our lives as justified sinners are sanctified through His ministry. The power, in this case, is linked to God’s love and from that love the self-control that we need in order to follow Christ in this sin-plagued world.

Thoughts for Reflection

What would it look like to fan into flame the gift of God’s power, love, and self-control in your life?

Course Information

There are a great many things that a capable of causing us to fear. Yet, God instructs us many times in Scripture to "fear not." In this series, we will explore how it is that God casts out our fear, enabling us to live lives of faith over fear. 

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