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Click the links below for an overview of the curriculum by grade. 


Foundational to all we do at Our Savior is our Christian faith. Proverbs 22:6 states that we are to "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." At every grade level, we train up the students at Our Savior in the scriptures. Many of our classes make use of the Voyages curriculum from Concordia Publishing House with lessons that give students a chance to directly interact with the narratives of the bible while seeking to connect lessons to their daily lives. Additionally, we have weekly chapel services that are held in the church sanctuary. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have continued to offer chapel online for students and families to participate in.>Learn More

Core Knowledge Sequence

A key component of the Core Knowledge Curriculum is the Core Knowledge Sequence. Educational excellence requires a coherent, cumulative, knowledge-based curriculum. The Core Knowledge Sequence seeks to provide this type of blueprint for knowledge-based learning.

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Accelerated Reader (AR)

Accelerated Reader (AR) is a reading comprehension program that encourages, tracks, and reports student reading achievement levels. All of our students in grades 1 through 8 are engaged in this reading comprehension tool. Please visit Renaissance Learning for more information.

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Language Arts

As a part of the Core Knowledge curriculum, we provide a comprehensive program for teaching skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, building students’ knowledge and vocabulary in literature, history, geography, and science.>Learn More

History and Geography

As a part of the Core Knowledge Curriculum, our history and geography instruction provides a comprehensive program in world and American history and geography, integrating topics in civics and the arts. Core Knowledge History and Geography helps students build knowledge of the diverse civilizations, cultures, and concepts specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence.>Learn More


At Our Savior, we provide a differentiated approach to mathematics instruction seeking to both challenge and provide support for students where they are developmentally. Beginning in 3rd-grade students have the opportunity to excel as they are capable in math in order to best challenge their growing minds.>Learn More


What would a school in Livermore be without quality science instruction? As a part of the Core Knowledge Curriculum, student build knowledge cumulatively and coherently, develop scientific practices giving students first-hand experience in scientific inquiry, and connect scientific learning to concepts across various disciplines.>Learn More

Music & Band

Music is a true part of the DNA of Our Savior. When we are again able to offer music programs, we hope to be able to again offer elementary choirs, handbells, as well as band. Watch for up-dates.>Learn More


Art is a valuable part of a well-rounded student. Exploring key artists who have had an influence in the development of art as well as providing hands-on exploration in the basic skills in various art forms, our art teacher provides quality instruction for K-5th grade students.>Learn More


STEM is not just a trend, but an essential educational emphasis for students preparing for potential careers in science and technology-related fields. Our STEM teacher provides age-level instruction from TK-8th grade students giving them a foundation for the work world that lies ahead of them.>Learn More


Language acquisition has been shown to have a more lasting impact when students begin adding a second language when they are younger. Additionally, maintaining second language skills lasts more long-term when instruction is handled over a longer duration. Our Spanish instruction for 2nd to 8th grade has been designed with both in mind.>Learn More

Physical Education

Rounding out any quality education, an emphasis on physical education is essential. Students TK-8th grade participate in age-level appropriate physical activities and instruction to lay a foundation for a lifetime of healthy living.>Learn More