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Originating at Mavuno Church in Nairobi, Kenya, Rooted is a 10-week discipleship course designed to establish deeper roots of faith in followers of Jesus. Key discipleship practices are taught and experienced through the Rhythms of Rooted which serve as a catalyst for life-change in the individual believer and deeper connection to the community of faith in the local church.

The 7 Rhythms of Rooted

Discipleship Ecosystem


A discipleship ecosystem is a simple, intentional plan for the healthy spiritual growth of the people in your church. Rooted is an essential piece of our discipleship ecosystem, but not the sole component.

Central to our discipleship ecosystem is the development of character competency as we seek to support one another to develop as Christ-like servants.

Supporting this development through our Board of Elders are Gatherer-Shepherd-Elder teams responsible for the care and nurturing of all those who see themselves as a part of OSLM.

Rooted begins the gathering of small groups together to learn the 7 Rhythms and dig deeper into their discipleship journey. Additional small group emphases developed from Lutheran Hour Ministries' research partnership with Barna will include:

  • Households of Faith - The Rituals & Relationships that Turn a Home into a Sacred Space - Targeted Launch Epiphany 2026
  • Spiritual Conversations - How Christians’ Approach to Sharing Their Faith Has Changed - Targeted Launch Epiphany 2027
  • Better Together - How Christians Can Be a Welcome Influence in Their Neighborhoods - Targeted Launch Epiphany 2028

Discipleship Cycle

OSLM Intro

Whether you are new to Christianity, new to Lutheranism, or just new to Our Savior, OSLM Intro will provide an overview of who we are and how you can be a part of what God is doing in this place. Held regularly throughout the year, this brief one-time class gives you the big picture of who we are and what we are about.

Commitment Paths

As you prepare to become a committed part of what God is doing in this place, there are a number of routes available. If you are a member of another LCMS church, simply request a letter of transfer. If you are new to the Christian faith or to Lutheranism, perhaps our Foundations of Lutheranism would be right for you. Others may desire a more personal approach and can schedule 1-on-1 time with a member of our ministry staff.


New members are welcomed publicly in worship when they are ready to make a formal commitment to doing life together as a part of the Body of Christ here at Our Savior.


As a part of the Body of Christ here at Our Savior, we all join together in support of our vision for ministry encapsulated in the simple words: ENGAGE, ENCOURAGE, EQUIP, & LAUNCH.

Life Together

We join together in living out our faith in Christ by embodying our vision for ministry, finding our own unique ways to ENGAGE, ENCOURAGE, EQUIP, & LAUNCH.

Discipleship Pathways

Building on Rooted and the other Grow Group emphases, we will be developing additional discipleship pathways to further encourage growth in Christ.


Essentials Pathway

We all need a solid foundation for our faith to be built upon. This pathway continues to lay the foundational groundwork started in the    Foundations of Lutheranism class. Covering core essential knowledge and skills, the Essentials Pathway prepares one for further growth in their journey with Christ. Targeted to launch Fall 2025.

Personal Growth Pathway

We were created to grow and develop. This pathway focuses on personal spiritual disciplines that help believers more intentionally grow their faith throughout their lives. The Personal Growth Pathway aids in the development of daily practices in one's devotional life that strengthen faith. Targeted to launch Fall 2026.

Parenting Pathway

Being a parent in our culture is a challenge. This pathway is especially for parents. The Parenting Pathway seeks to equip parents to Grow With their children as they together mature in the Christian faith. Targeted to launch Fall 2027.

Care & Service Pathway

To love God is to love God’s children. The Care &  Service Pathway provides equipping for those who desire to care for and serve others in need in our ministry and community. Targeted to launch Fall 2030.

Outreach Pathway

God’s desire is that all would come to know the Gospel of  Jesus Christ. That is the mission of the church, to spread the good news. This pathway provides tools to help equip believers to be ready to bear witness to the hope they have in Jesus. The Outreach pathway focuses on both the development of an outreach mindset and the knowledge to answer some of the challenges one might encounter to belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Targeted to launch Fall 2028.

Leadership Pathways

With maturity in the faith, may come the call to serve in a leadership role in the local church. These pathways are designed to prepare members to serve as either a member of the Board of Directors of Board of Elders. Targeted to launch Fall 2029.

Grow Groups are small group gatherings for learning, fellowship, and prayer. Grow Groups gather around God’s Word, to share life together, and to support one another in prayer and mutual consolation.

We LEARN together as we explore God’s Word seeking to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

We LIVE life together sharing each other’s joys and sorrows in the Christ-centered community of the local church.

We LOVE one another and our neighbors as we lift each other up in prayer, comfort the suffering, and provide aid to those in need in our community.

Paul notes in 1 Corinthians 3:6 that “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” The seed of faith is planted when the Gospel of Jesus Christ is heard through preaching and when the Gospel message is shared in less formal settings. Once planted, that seed of faith needs nurturing in order to take root and grow.

The parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9 & 18-23) explains how different people receive the Word of God and points the way toward tilling the soil in the hearts of those God is calling to faith as a supportive body of believers.

Learn more about discipleship at Our Savior by contacting Dr. Dave Rueter our Director of Discipleship. 
