Discipleship Cycle

OSLM Intro

Whether you are new to Christianity, new to Lutheranism, or just new to Our Savior, OSLM Intro will provide an overview of who we are and how you can be a part of what God is doing in this place. Held regularly throughout the year, this brief one-time class gives you the big picture of who we are and what we are about.

Commitment Paths

As you prepare to become a committed part of what God is doing in this place, there are a number of routes available. If you are a member of another LCMS church, simply request a letter of transfer. If you are new to the Christian faith or to Lutheranism, perhaps our Foundations of Lutheranism would be right for you. Others may desire a more personal approach and can schedule 1-on-1 time with a member of our ministry staff.


New members are welcomed publicly in worship when they are ready to make a formal commitment to doing life together as a part of the Body of Christ here at Our Savior.


As a part of the Body of Christ here at Our Savior, we all join together in support of our vision for ministry encapsulated in the simple words: ENGAGE, ENCOURAGE, EQUIP, & LAUNCH.

Life Together

We join together in living out our faith in Christ by embodying our vision for ministry, finding our own unique ways to ENGAGE, ENCOURAGE, EQUIP, & LAUNCH.


Baptism is a gift of God's grace. Through the waters of baptism, combined with the power of God's word he makes us his own, giving us forgiveness, life, and salvation. If you or a loved one have never been baptized, we want to celebrate with you! Learn More

New to Our Savior Lutheran Ministries? Want to get to know more about who we are and what we are all about? Looking to learn more about how to get connected at OSLM? Interested in learning what it takes to become a member? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then join us for our next OSLM Intro class. Get to know more about the culture at Our Savior and how you can be a part of it. Contact Pastor Robb with any questions.

Contact the church office to be added to a list for the next class.

Contact Us

What does it mean to be a Lutheran Christian? What are the foundational beliefs of the Lutheran Church? Learn more about what it means to be Lutheran with our Foundations class. Contact Pastor Robb with any questions. 

Contact the church office to be added to a list for the next class.

Contact Us

We are each uniquely and wonderfully made. Our God has created and formed us together as the church to support one another and minister in His name. Gifted for More from Lutheran Hour Ministries is a new framework developed in partnership with Barna for equipping Christians to share their abilities and skills in everyday life. The Gifted for More inventory will provide our ministry with better information on the skills and interests of those associated with us.

According to Barna's research, over half of practicing Christians (55%) select “church” as the most desirable place to develop their giftings—including skills, talents, and passions that aren’t explicitly spiritual.

We’ve partnered with Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries to become a pilot church in their Gifted for More initiative. From September 8 through October 20, 2024, we are encouraging everyone associated with Our Savior Lutheran Ministries to join us in taking the EveryGift™ Inventory at any time by going to everygift.org. By taking the inventory, a person will receive a PDF at the end that gives them their primary and secondary gifts, their mastery scores, and some processing questions about their gifts. 

As a ministry, we will receive aggregate data from all who take the survey. Make sure to use the code oslm when they are prompted at the end of the inventory (in the demographics section). 

Take the Inventory          Learn More