Faith Habits

We all want our children to grow in their faith and trust in Jesus, but how can we support that growth if we do not know what we can expect of them and when? Faith Habits provides a helpful guide for parents to assess where their children are at in their faith growth and develop a plan to encourage their continued faith formation. Below you will find information for each age and stage of Faith Habits.


Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Observe what happens during the church service.
  • Sleep, watch, and cry during worship.
  • Sit on a parent’s lap for children’s message.
  • Listen to the Apostles’ Creed.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Come to the Communion to receive blessing.
  • Listen to the Confession &announcement of forgiveness (Absolution).
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.

My child has the ability to:

  • Listen to Bible storybooks.6
  • Listen to Christian songs in the car and at home.27
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Listen as we pray at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Have a parent hold hands together when praying.
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Watch the family participate in service activity.
  • Hospitality: Enjoy the experiences of people invited and welcomed into the home.2


Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services with a book, activity, and/or snack.
  • Come to children’s messages with an older sibling or parent’s help.
  • Identify colors/objects in the sanctuary.
  • Listen to the Apostles’ Creed.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Come to Communion to receive a blessing.
  • Listen to the Confession & announcement of forgiveness (Absolution).
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.6, 7

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in family devotions.1
  • Listen to Bible story books read to them.6, 7
  • Receive a story Bible.1, 2
  • Point to and recognize things in Story Bible.
  • Attend Sunday School regularly.
  • Sing “Jesus Loves Me” or other simple songs.27
  • Learn basic actions for songs/finger plays.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Fold hands and participate in prayers at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Repeat simple prayers.3, 4
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in a family service activity.3
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus lovesthem.5
  • Togetherness: Know the pastor’s name and shake his hand.
  • Hospitality: Enjoy experiences of people invited and welcomed into the house.2


Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services with a decreasing amount of snacks, activities, etc.
  • Come up for the children’s messages on their own.
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer with the congregation.
  • Fold hands for prayers and say repeated responses (ex. In your mercy, hear our prayer.)
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Come to Communion to receive a blessing.
  • Listen to the Confession & announcement of forgiveness (Absolution).
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.6, 7

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in family devotions.1
  • Receive a story Bible.
  • Listen to Bible storybooks read to them.6, 7
  • Identify people and things on pages.
  • Answer basic questions about the story.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
  • Attend Sunday School regularly.
  • Retell the main point of the Sunday School lesson.
  • Sing parts of Christian songs played at home.27, 28, 29
  • Participate in repeating a few common Bible verses.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Say memorized prayers at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Repeat simple prayers and Bible verses.3, 4
  • Say a short prayer when given a prompt.
  • Begin to learn the Lord’s Prayer.
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in a family service activity.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church.
  • Service: Identify a gift or skill God has given them.4
  • Witness: Remind others in the family that Jesus loves them.5
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus loves them through words & actions.5
  • Togetherness: Know the names of their Sunday School classmates and teacher.
  • Hospitality: Welcome others in their home.2

Phase 1

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services with a decreasing amount of snacks, activities, etc.
  • Come up for the children’s messages if desired.
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer with the congregation.
  • Fold hands for prayers and say repeated responses (ex. In your mercy, hear our prayer.)
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Come to Communion to receive a blessing.
  • Listen to the Confession & announcement of forgiveness (Absolution).
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.6, 7

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in family devotions.1
  • Receive an age-appropriate Bible.
  • Listen to/read Bible stories.6, 7
  • Identify people and things on pages.
  • Answer basic questions about the story.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
  • Attend Sunday School/Bible Study regularly.
  • Retell the main point of Sunday School/Bible Study lesson.
  • Sing parts of Christian songs.27, 28, 29
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Say memorized prayers at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Say a short prayer when given a prompt.
  • Learn the Lord’s Prayer.
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in a family service activity.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church.
  • Service: Identify a gift or skill God has given them.4
  • Witness: Remind others in the family that Jesus loves them.5
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus loves them through words & actions.5
  • Togetherness: Know the names of their Sunday School classmates and teacher.
  • Hospitality: Welcome others in their home.2

Phase 2

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services with a decreasing amount of snacks, activities, etc.
  • Come up for the children’s messages, if desired.
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer with the congregation.
  • Fold hands for prayers and say repeated responses (ex. In your mercy, hear our prayer.)
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Come to Communion to receive a blessing.
  • Listen to the Confession & announcement of forgiveness (Absolution). Know that Jesus forgives us.

Going Deeper

  • Say the 1st Article of the Apostle's Creed with Help.
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.6, 7

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in family devotions.1□Receive an age-appropriate Bible.
  • Listen to/read Bible stories.6, 7
  • Answer basic questions about the story.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • How did they feel? What were they thinking?
  • Attend Sunday School/Bible Study regularly.
  • Retell the main point of Sunday School lesson.
  • Sing parts of Christian songs.27, 28, 29
  • Memorize a few common Bible verses.
  • Be familiar with the 10 Commandments.
  • Retell a minimum of 5 Bible stories.16, 17, 18,23, 24, 25
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Say memorized prayers at meal time and bedtime.
  • Say a short prayer when given a prompt.
  • Pray the Lord's Prayer.
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in a family service activity.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church.
  • Service: Identify a gift or skill God has given them.4
  • Witness: Remind others in the family that Jesus loves them.5
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus loves them through words & actions.5
  • Togetherness: Know the names of their Sunday School classmates and teacher.
  • Hospitality: Welcome others in their home.2

Phase 3

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services with only children's bulletin as supplemental material.
  • Come up for the children’s messages on their own if desired.
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer with the congregation.
  • Fold hands for prayers and say repeated responses (ex. In your mercy, hear our prayer.)
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Come to Communion to receive a blessing.
  • Listen to the Confession & announcement of forgiveness (Absolution). Know that Jesus forgives us.

Going Deeper

  • Say the 1st article of the Apostles’ Creed.1
  • Express the knowledge that they receive the Holy Spirit in baptism and become part of God’s family.1
  • With help, understand that we receive forgiveness when we take Communion.1
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.6, 7

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in family devotions.1
  • Read Bible stories on their own.
  • Answer basic questions about the story and make inferences about feelings and thoughts.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • Interpretation Question - How did they feel? What were they thinking?
  • Attend Sunday School/Bible Study regularly.
  • Remember the main point of Sunday school/Bible Study lesson and give a brief summary.
  • Remember and sing Christian music.27, 28, 29
  • Retell a minimum of 5 Bible stories.16, 17, 18, 19,23, 24, 25
  • Memorize at least 5 Bible verses.27, 35, 36
  • Memorize the books of the Old Testament.
  • Underline and highlight key verses in the Bible.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Say prayers at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Say a short prayer when given a prompt.
  • Know to pray for others.
  • Pray the Lordʼs Prayer
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in a family service activity.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church.
  • Service: Identify a gift or skill God has given them.4
  • Witness: Remind others in the family that Jesus loves them.5
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus loves them through words & actions.5
  • Togetherness: Know the names of their SS classmates and teacher.
  • Togetherness: Know and interact with at least one other family at church.6
  • Hospitality: Welcome others in their home.2

Phase 4

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services with only children's bulletin as supplementary material.
  • Follow along and sing parts of familiar hymns and songs.2
  • Listen to the Scripture readings.
  • Come up for the children’s messages if desired.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Follow along with the Confession &Absolution.
  • Come to Communion to receive a blessing.
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer with the congregation.
  • Fold hands for prayers and say repeated responses.

Going Deeper

  • Follow along with the Apostles’ Creed.1
  • Know that in baptism their sins are forgiven, they receive the Holy Spirit, and become part of God’s family.1
  • Come to the Lord’s Supper to receive a blessing. Understand that we receive forgiveness when we take Communion.1
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.6, 7

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in family devotions.1
  • Read Bible stories on their own.
  • Answer basic questions about the story and make inferences about feelings and thoughts.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • Interpretation Question - How did they feel? What were they thinking?
  • Attend Sunday School/Bible Study regularly.
  • Remember the main point of Sunday School/Bible Study lesson and give a brief summary.
  • Remember and sing Christian songs.27, 28, 29
  • Retell at least 5 Old Testament and 5 NewTestament stories.16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25
  • Memorize at least 5 Bible verses.27, 35, 36
  • Memorize the books of the New Testament.
  • Underline and highlight key verses in the Bible.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Say prayers at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Repeat simple prayers and Bible verses.
  • Say a short prayer when given a prompt.
  • Know to pray for others.
  • Pray the Lordʼs Prayer
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Come up with ideas for and participate in a family service activity.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church.
  • Service: Identify a gift or skill God has given them and how it can be used for others.4
  • Witness: Give words of encouragement and forgiveness to others. Remind others in the family that Jesus loves them.5
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus loves them through words & actions.5
  • Togetherness: Know and interact with at least 1 other family at church.6
  • Hospitality: Welcome others into their home and help serve guests.2

Phase 5

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services with minimal supplementary material.
  • Follow along and sing hymns and songs.2□Listen to the Scripture readings.
  • Come up to the children’s messages on their own.
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer and prayers of the church with the congregation.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others bebaptized.
  • Come to Communion to receive a blessing.
  • Follow along with Confession & Absolution. Know that Jesus forgives us.

Going Deeper

  • Know the Apostles’ Creed and follow along with Nicene Creed.1
  • Know that in baptism their sins are forgiven, they receive the Holy Spirit, and become part of God’s family.1
  • Take the First Communion Class.
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.6, 7

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in family devotions.
  • Read the Bible on their own.
  • Receive an age-appropriate Bible.3
  • Follow a basic Bible reading plan/devotional with assistance.11, 12, 13, 14
  • Answer questions about the Bible story and make connections with other Bible passages.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • Interpretation Question - How did they feel? What were they thinking?
    • Meaning Question - How does this connect to other parts of the Bible?
  • Attend Sunday School/Bible Study regularly.
  • Remember main point of Sunday school lesson and give a summary of the story.
  • Remember and sing Christian music.27, 28, 29
  • Summarize at least 10 stories from the OldTestament and 10 from the NewTestament.16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25
  • Memorize at least 10 Bible verses.27, 35, 36
  • Memorize the first 3 Commandments.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in prayers at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Repeat prayers and Bible verses.
  • Be given or pick a prompt/subject and say a prayer.
  • Follow a prayer formula (ACTS, ITCP).7
  • Pray independently.6
  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Come up with ideas for and participate in a family service activity.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church.
  • Service: With guidance, identify emerging God-given gifts and skills and how they can be used in the church and world.4
  • Witness: Give words of encouragement and forgiveness to others. Remind others that Jesus loves them.5
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus loves them through words & actions.5
  • Witness: Invite friends & family to worship/church activities.5
  • Togetherness: Know and interact with at least 2 other families at church.6
  • Hospitality: Invite and host friends in the home and help serve guests.2

Phase 6

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services without supplementary materials.
  • Sing hymns and songs.2
  • Listen to the Scripture readings.
  • Listen to the sermon and remember the main.8
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer and prayers of the church with the congregation.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Receive the Lordʼs Supper. Understand we receive the body & blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins.5, 6, 7
  • Follow along with Confession & Absolution. Know that Jesus forgives us.

Going Deeper

  • Know the Apostlesʼ Creed and follow along with the Nicene Creed.1
  • Know that in baptism their sins are forgiven, they receive the Holy Spirit, and become part of Godʼs family.1
  • Begin Confirmation Classes.
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.10

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in and help lead family devotions.
  • Read the Bible on their own/follow a basic bible reading plan.11, 12, 13, 14
  • Underline & highlight key verses in their Bible.
  • Do personal devotional time (read, think/write, pray).
  • Answer questions about the story and make connections with other Bible passages.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • Interpretation Question - How did they feel? What were they thinking?
    • Meaning Question - How does this connect to other parts of the Bible?
    • Application Questions - What does it mean in my life?
  • Attend Bible Study and Youth Group regularly.
  • Remember main point of Sunday school lesson, give brief summary, and tell how it applies to their life.
  • Remember and sing Christian music.27, 28
  • Summarize at least 15 stories for the Old Testament and 15 from the New Testament.
  • Memorize over 15 Bible verses.27, 35, 36
  • Memorize the first 5 Commandments.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in prayers at meal time andbedtime.
  • Be given or pick a prompt/subject and say sprayer.
  • Follow a prayer formula (ACTS, ITCP).7
  • Pray independently.6
  • Pray out loud with a group of people.
  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Come up with ideas for and participate in a family service activity.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church and for worship services.
  • Leadership: Participate in church youth activities and service projects.
  • Service: Identify emerging God-given gifts and skills and how they can be used in the church and world.4
  • Witness: Recognize the need for encouragement and forgiveness with friends and family. Remind others that Jesus loves them.5
  • Witness: Share with others that Jesus loves them through words & actions.5
  • Witness: Invite friends & family to worship/church activities.5
  • Togetherness: Know and interact with at least 4 other families and members at church.6
  • Hospitality: Invite and host friends in the home and help serve guests.2

Phase 7

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services without supplementary materials.
  • Sing hymns and songs.
  • Listen to the Scripture readings.
  • Remember the main idea of the sermon and identify key law & gospel points.8
  • Say the Lord’s Prayer and prayers of the church with the congregation.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Receive the Lordʼs Supper. Understand we receive the body & blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins.5, 6, 7
  • Follow along with Confession & Absolution. Examine themselves and know that Jesus forgives us.

Going Deeper

Know the Apostlesʼ Creed and begin learning the Nicene Creed.1

  • Recognize the Holy Spirit and faith given in baptism is an assurance of salvation and welcome into God's family.1, 5, 6, 7
  • Confirm their faith when ready.
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.

My child has the ability to:

  • Participate in and help lead family devotions.
  • Describe the components of a devotion.
  • Receive their own Lutheran Study Bible.
  • Read the Bible on their own/follow a basic bible reading plan.13, 14, 15, 20, 22, 34
  • Do personal devotional time (read, think/write, pray).
  • Answer questions about the story and make connections with other Bible passages.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • Interpretation Question - How did they feel? What were they thinking?
    • Meaning Question - How does this connect to other parts of the Bible?
    • Application Questions - What does it mean in my life?
  • Attend Bible Study and Youth Group regularly.
  • Remember main point of Sunday school/Bible study lesson, give brief summary, and tell how it applies to their life.
  • Listen to or sing Christian music.30, 31, 32
  • Give a summary of the Old Testament and Testament.2, 21, 26
  • Explain how OT stories point forward to Jesus and NT stories point back to Jesus.2, 21, 26
  • Memorize the 10 Commandments.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Pray in all circumstances throughout the day.8
  • Participate and lead prayers at mealtime and bedtime.
  • Be given or pick a prompt/subject and say a prayer.
  • Follow a prayer formula (ACTS, ITCP).7
  • Pray out loud with a group of people.
  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer and know what the individual parts (petitions) mean.9
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in service with their family.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church and for worship services.
  • Leadership: Participate in church activities and service projects.
  • Service: Identify God-given gifts and skills and how they can be used in the church and world.4
  • Witness: Seek out others who need encouragement or forgiveness and remind them that Jesus loves them.7
  • Witness: Share and explain their faith in Jesus.8
  • Witness: Invite friends & family to worship/youth activities.8
  • Togetherness: Know and interact with at least 5 other families and members atchurch.6
  • Togetherness: Have several close Christian friends that strengthen their faith.
  • Hospitality: Invite and host friends in the home and help serve guests.2

Phase 8

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services regularly.
  • Fully participate in worship service.
  • Remember the main idea of the sermon, identify key law & gospel points, and understand how it applies to their life.8
  • Say the Lord's Prayer and prayers with the congregation.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Receive the Lordʼs Supper. Understand wereceive the body & blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins.5, 6, 7
  • Follow along with Confession & Absolution. Examine themselves and know that Jesus forgives us.

Going Deeper

  • Know the Apostlesʼ Creed and the Nicene Creed. Understand what they mean and how they apply to their life.1
  • Recognize the Holy Spirit and faith given in baptism is an assurance of salvation and welcome into God's family.1, 5, 6, 7
  • Confirm their faith when ready.
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.

My child has the ability to:

  • Initiate and take turns leading family devotions.
  • Practice writing a devotion.□Read the Bible on their own/follow a basic bible reading plan.13, 14, 15, 20, 22, 34
  • Do personal devotional time (read, think/write, pray).
  • Answer questions about the story and make connections with other Bible passages.
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • Interpretation Question - How did they feel? What were they thinking?
    • Meaning Question - How does this connect to other parts of the Bible?
    • Application Questions - What does it mean in my life?
  • Attend Bible Study and Youth Group weekly.
  • Share and talk about the main point of Bible study, give brief summary, and tell how it applies to their life.
  • Listen to or sing Christian music.30, 31, 32
  • Explain the full redemption story of theBible.21, 26
  • Explain how Bible stories point to Jesus.21, 26
  • Use Study Bible to find the author, genre, historical context, and geography of the books of the Bible.5, 26
  • Catechism: Understand the meaning of the 10 commandments and how they apply to themselves, the Church, and the world.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Pray in all circumstances throughout the day.8
  • Initiate prayer with family and friends.
  • Participate in and lead family prayers.
  • Follow a prayer formula (ACTS, ITCP).7
  • Pray out loud with a group of people.
  • Understand the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and its relevance to their life and the church.9
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in service with their family and independently.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church and for worship services.
  • Leadership: Participate in church youth activities and service projects.
  • Service: Identify God-given gifts and skills and how they can be used in the church and world. Serve in an area of gift or skill.3
  • Witness: Seek out others who need encouragement or forgiveness and remind others that Jesus loves them.7
  • Witness: Share, explain, and defend their faith in Jesus.8, 9, 10, 11
  • Witness: Invite friends & family to worship/youth activities.8
  • Togetherness: Know and interact with at least 5 other families and members atchurch.6
  • Togetherness: Have several close Christian friends that strengthen their faith.
  • Hospitality: Invite and host friends in the home and help serve guests.2

Phase 9

Worship - Bring your child to worship regularly.

My child has the ability to:

  • Attend worship services regularly.
  • Fully participate in worship service.
  • Remember the main idea of the sermon, identify key law & gospel points, and understand how it applies to their life.8
  • Say the Lord's Prayer and prayers with the congregation.
  • Be newly baptized or watch others be baptized.
  • Receive the Lordʼs Supper. Understand we receive the body & blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins.5, 6, 7□Follow along with Confession & Absolution. Examine themselves and know that Jesus forgives us.

Going Deeper

  • Know the Apostlesʼ Creed and the Nicene Creed. Understand what they mean by the three parts (articles)and how they apply to their life and the life of the Church.1
  • Recognize the Holy Spirit and faith given in baptism is an assurance of salvation and welcome into God's family.1, 5, 6, 7
  • Confirm their faith when ready.
Word - Read God’s Word as a family.

My child has the ability to:

  • Initiate family devotions.
  • Write a devotion.
  • Do personal devotional time (read, think/write, pray).14, 15, 20, 22, 34
  • Answer questions about the story and make connections with other Bible passages
    • Observation Question - What happened?
    • Interpretation Question - How did they feel? What were they thinking?
    • Meaning Question - How does this connect to other parts of the Bible?
    • Application Questions - What does it mean in my life?
  • Listen to or sing Christian music.30, 31, 32
  • Attend Bible study weekly.
  • Share and talk about the main point of Bible study, give brief summary, and tell how it applies to their life.
  • Explain the full redemption story of theBible.21, 26
  • Explain how Bible stories point to Jesus.21, 26
  • Be familiar with the author, genre, historical context, and geography of the books of theBible.5, 26
    □Understand the meaning of the 10 commandments and how they apply to themselves, the Church, and the world.
Prayer - Pray for your child. Pray as a family.1, 2

My child has the ability to:

  • Pray in all circumstances throughout the day.8
  • Initiate prayer with family and friends.
  • Participate in and lead family prayers.
  • Follow a prayer formula (ACTS, ITCP).7
  • Pray out loud with any size group of people.
  • Pray with unbelievers.
  • Understand the meaning of the Prayer and its relevance to their life, the church, and the world.9
Service - Serve others as a family.1, 2, 3, 4

My child has the ability to:

  • Service: Participate in service with their family and independently.3
  • Leadership: Volunteer with their family at church and for worship services.
  • Leadership: Participate in church youth activities and service projects.
  • Service: Identify God-given gifts and skills and how they can be used in the church and world. Serve in an area of gift or skill.4
  • Witness: Practice forgiveness and reconciliation. Encourage others in the faith.7
  • Witness: Share, explain, and defend their faith in Jesus.8, 9, 10, 11
  • Witness: Invite friends & family to worship/youth activities.8
  • Togetherness: Know and interact with at least 8 other families and members at church.6
  • Togetherness: Have several close Christian friends that strengthen their faith.
  • Hospitality: Invite and host friends in the home.2