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Care & Support

Let us walk with you

We are here to help

Are you or someone you know experiencing struggles or personal difficulties?

  • Isolation and Loneliness
  • Anxiety Over Health
  • Grief due to Many Different Kinds of Losses
  • Tension from Juggling Work, Childcare, and Schooling
  • Financial Strain or Job Loss
  • Uncertainty about the Future
  • Other Unexpected Life Challenges

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

If so, you don’t have to face it alone. We have people who are ready to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. If you or someone you love is in need of support and would like to talk to someone contact us:Contact

GriefShare Support Group

No matter what the circumstances, grief is a painful, confusing process. A GriefShare group is a safe and welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this 13-week support group, starting May 1, from 6:30-8:00 PM, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s considered “normal” in grief. 

Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with all of its unpredictability and gain solid support each step of the way. 

At each weekly meeting, you will view a video featuring respected counselors, pastors, and healthcare providers on grief-related topics, plus you’ll hear relatable personal stories. After that is a small-group discussion to allow time for people to talk, share, support, and personally apply what they learned from the video. Everyone will have a workbook to take home filled with valuable exercises for navigating their personal grieving process. 

Topics include how to manage grief-related emotions such as loneliness, anxiety, and sadness, how to recognize what’s normal in grief, and what to do if you feel stuck or hopeless. 

If you have experienced the death of a family member or friend, you are invited to attend, no matter how long it’s been. Meetings will be held in the conference room at OSLM. 

For more details, or to find and register for the group, please visit griefshare.org or contact GriefShare Program Director, Charlie Frick.

Rides and Meal support

There are times in life when we all need a little extra help.

The Encourage Team has been busy organizing ways to offer our faith family assistance with meals and rides when the need arises. 

Use the links below or contact the church office at 925.447.1246 with your request for assistance.

Additionally, if you are able to help with these types of tasks, please let us know so we can add you to our database of "willing hands with servant's hearts". 

Request Support or Volunteer to Help

Prayer Request

You matter to God. The things that bring you joy and sadness matter to Him. God has promised to be there for us when we pray. As a ministry, we want to include you in our prayers. 

Below you will find a simple form that you can use to request prayer. We value your privacy and will only share information as you desire it shared. We have a prayer team that receives email updates with items to pray for. You can direct your prayer requests to our prayer team or just to our ministry staff depending on the nature of your request.

If you desire a pastoral follow-up related to your request please note that below.

Prayer Request

Who would you like to receive this prayer request? (Select all that apply)*

Would you like a follow-up on your prayer request from our pastor?

Join our prayer team!

Counter Point (Addiction Family Support Group), a free faith based, Christ centered (Al Anon based) program designed to help individuals with family members who suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction. Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm at the St. Michael Convent building, first floor (375 Maple Street, Livermore). For further information contact Rachel at (510-501-1411).