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Bible Studies

Equipping People for Lives of Following Jesus

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Contact the church office to be added to a list for the next class.

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What does it mean to be a Lutheran Christian? What are the foundational beliefs of the Lutheran Church? Learn more about what it means to be Lutheran with our Foundations class. Contact Pastor Robb with any questions. 

Contact the church office to be added to a list for the next class.

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Sunday Morning Bible Study - 10:30 am - January 5-May 18, 2025

Keeping Your Kids on God's Side

Location: Conference Room 

How do we know Jesus existed? Are Christians less intelligent than atheists? How can a loving God send people to hell? In a culture of secularism and skepticism, your kids are bound to encounter questions like these and many more. Adapted from the book by Natasha Crain, this class will explore these kinds of questions, equipping parents to be ready to respond as their kids begin to ask. Dave Rueter will lead this class on Sundays from January through May when Confirmation is not meeting. (Confirmation meets 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/6, & 5/4)

Sunday Morning Bible Study - 10:30 am - March 9-April 13, 2025

Knowing Jesus: Through the Old Testament

Location: Fireside Room 

What should the Scribes and Pharisees have known about Jesus? He told them in John 5:39 -- "You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me."      

Then to his disciples in Luke 24:44 “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”

We will be examining the evidence that they ignored, to see how the Old Testament was a foreshadow of Jesus and the Gospel.

Women's Bible Study:  9:30-11:00 am

New Friday Women's Bible Study on Acts to begin in January.

Beginning Friday, January 24, 2025, we will study the growth of the early church as documented in the Book of Acts. Using the curriculum of biblical cultural expert Kristi McLelland, we’ll look at Christ’s call to His disciples to spread hope and truth then and today. Email Beth Young if you're interested in joining this study. The Friday women’s group meets weekly from 9:30 - 11 AM in the Conference Room. 

Men's Bible Study

Each Friday at 9:30 am (In-person and Zoom), the men of OSLM work their way through the Bible one book at a time. Currently, the men are in the Pastoral Epistles.  Contact Norman Back using the form below so you can get on the addressee list for the Zoom notifications.
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