The OSLM Endowment Fund (EF) is a church investment account that functions much like our Lord’s five loaves and two fish – people donate what they can to the greater good and the Lord blesses and multiplies it.
The Endowment Fund grows through member donations and investment gains. Then, through a grant process, is used to fund activities and projects that show His love in the earthly kingdom.
To learn more about the Endowment Fund and how it is benefitting His Kingdom, check out the FAQs and brochure.
For the Endowment Fund to be sustainable for the next fifty years (and beyond) it must grow through the generosity of our members. Remember that ten $100 gifts to the Fund are just as valuable as a single gift of $1,000. Contributions to the Endowment Fund can be made by a variety of methods: 1) cash, 2) securities, 3) bequests, 4) life insurance, and 5) real estate, to name a few. (Talk to the church office for the best way to handle your contribution.)
Giving Now—will seed the Fund’s growth so that it is viable well into the future. Please consider adding the Endowment Fund to your annual giving plan.
Giving Later—End-of-life estate planning is not only smart for your heirs but also another potential way for the endowment principle to grow, creating a sustainable future for the Fund.
Grant Application (Fillable PDF)Grant Application (Non-Fillable PDF)
Types of support eligible for a grant?
Each year there are two grant application periods:
Spring: Applications Due May 1
Fall: Applications Due September 1
Grant applications are accepted during either of these application periods. For Spring, the grant decisions are made by mid-May; for Fall, the grant decisions are made by mid-September. Grants are awarded shortly after the decisions are made.
The Endowment Fund (EF) is a church investment account which, through a grant process, is used to fund activities and projects not supported by the general operating budget, specifically in the areas of scholarships, missions, and outreach.
A grant application may be found: 1) online (Here), 2) in the back of the sanctuary on the information table, 3) from one of the committee members or 4) from the church office. Fill out the grant application and then return it to the church office or the Endowment Committee Chair. The committee will evaluate the application, determine grant feasibility and the amount of any award. Contact the Committee
Each year there are two grant application periods:
Grant applications are accepted during either of these application periods. For Spring, the grant decisions are made by mid-May; for Fall, the grant decisions are made by mid-September. Grants are awarded shortly after the decisions are made.
Typically, about $5,000 may be granted for eligible projects each year. That amount will grow as the Fund grows.
Fill out the grant application and then return it to the church office or the Endowment Committee Chair.
The Endowment Fund grows through member contributions, such as: monthly/yearly cash gifts; gifts of stock, property, or other tangible assets; or fundraising projects like the annual Holiday Boutique.
The Fund is managed by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Foundation (LCMS Foundation) as a long-term investment vehicle that tracks market performance.
The LCMS Foundation invests the endowment funds in standard-aggressive balanced investment vehicles with the goal of very long-term growth. The Endowment Committee oversees Fund performance and the Fund is accounted for by the OSLM Business Administration office.
Five committee members comprise the Endowment Committee. OSLM members are appointed by the OSLM Board of Directors to oversee the Fund and disperse grants within the guidelines set down in the Charter.
The Endowment Fund is managed by a committee appointed by the OSLM Board of Directors. The Fund Charter, or constitution, directs the committee on how to manage the Fund and make distributions from it.
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