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Advent Season

Advent Worship

Advent Worship

  • Sundays - 9 AM & 11:15 AM

  • Dec. 4 - TK-2nd Grade - 6 PM

  • Dec. 11 - Preschool - 6 PM

  • Dec. 18 - 3rd-8th Grade - 6 PM

Christmas Worship

  • Christmas Eve -  4 & 7 PM

  • Christmas Day - 10 AM

Advent Devotions

The birth of Jesus was foretold by God from the moment that sin entered the world. The people of Israel waited thousands of years for the promised Messiah. Throughout this time of waiting, God continued to encourage Israel with prophesies that pointed to Jesus. One of these prophecies comes from Isaiah chapter 11.

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. Isaiah 11:1-2

From the line of Jesse through his son, David, Jesus would come to fulfill the promise to save all people from sin. 

This Advent season, we invite you and your family to join Our Savior School and Church in exploring how through the birth of Jesus, God was fulfilling promises He made long ago. To do this, we will be using the Jesse Tree daily devotions to journey through the Bible and learn about the promises God made to Israel and to us.

Starting on December 1st, your family is invited to take time to read the Bible passage and devotion for the day, discuss the “Wonder” question, and then your child can color the ornament related to that story. You can also put string, ribbon, or a hook through each ornament and hang them on your Christmas tree or around your house.

There are also separate daily discussion cards with questions that are perfect for teens. Students can even easily lead the discussions and read the passage for the whole family.

These devotions were written by Grace Claus, managing editor of RCA Today.  Advent Devotions Teen Discussion Cards

All Scripture quotations are taken from the New Revised Standard Version.

Advent by Candlelight

Advent by Candlelight will occur on Tuesday, December 3 at 7 PM.
The evening is available for women, and young ladies, middle school-aged and above.

Note: Registration is closed. 

School Advent Services

  • TK-2nd Grade - December 4 at 6:00 PM

  • 3rd-8th Grade - December 18 at 6:00 PM

Christmas Concert

Our Savior Choir, Our Savior Ringer, Women's Ensemble, Our Savior Brass, and Instrumentalists.
Sunday, December 8 at 3:00 PM.

Preschool Advent Service

Christmas Caroling

Join us as we spread Christmas cheer to some of the homebound in our community. We will meet in the fireside room at 4:00 pm to prepare cookie containers to bring along and share. If you wish to donate cookies, please drop them off in the ministry center kitchen. Any questions, please contact Dorcas Yow.