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Signs You Would Be a Good Stephen Minister

by Marilyn Janzen-Baker on May 24, 2022

  1. You are a “people” person.  This does not mean that you have to be overly-outgoing or extroverted.  It means you have a heart for others and enjoy walking with them through their struggles, passing on the Love of Jesus to them.  You are gracious and accepting and feel  God has given you the Gift of Listening and Encouraging others.
  2. People come to you. Do people sense whether you are a safe person to confide in? Do you have the gift of encouragement which includes the ability to inspire, comfort, motivate, strengthen, affirm and be present with others so they can meet life’s challenges with confidence?
  3. You have the spiritual gift of Faith, an unshakable trust, and a deep conviction that God faithfully and reliably keeps promises. Christians with this gift have a profound belief and confidence in their relationship with Jesus that they become an example for others.

If you have any questions regarding our Stephen Ministry Program, please call Dave Rueter at (925)961-9599 or email at

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