If you have been on our ministry website in recent months, you have likely noticed one of two things. There is a lot more there and things are not where they used to be. Part of the process of upgrading our website this past year has meant taking a new approach to content both from the production as well as the navigation side of things. Like many new things, it is not always easy to get used to where things are. To help that process we have created a document with our outline of the current navigation for the site to go along with this overview.
The site is structured around six basic audiences. Two audiences for each of the three main areas of ministry (Church, School, and Preschool). For each of those main areas, the site has areas that focus on those who are initially visiting the site to learn about who we are and those already connected to one of the areas of our ministry.
This organization can be seen on the home page in the two sets of top-level links.
The church, school, and preschool each have their own Hub containing all the weekly information that a connected family would need to keep current. Sermons, chapel services, links to email newsletters, blog posts, and events can all be accessed from their respective hubs.
Current information on ministries like Children, Youth, and Adult Bible Studies can be found on those pages under the Ministries link in the side navigation.
There are two blogs, one for the Ministry Messenger and one for more general writing on various discipleship topics called The Vineyard.
There are also online classes like our current Restored to Wholeness Thursday Equipping class that can be found under the Connect link along with information on our Music & Worship ministries and our Care & Support ministries like Stephen’s Ministry and our Prayer Ministry.
Take a look around the website. This would be a great way to learn more about what our school and preschool are doing so you can share that information with your neighbors. Our goal is to keep the site current and to make sure that details for any events that we offer are provided on our events page. If you are planning a ministry event related to OSLM let us know in the office so that your event information can be shared on the site as well.