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Ministry Action Teams Summary

by Dave Rueter on December 20, 2023

Our Savior's Ministry Action Teams have all met in November and December to continue to work on furthering the vision of OSLM as a missional outpost that:

  • Engages People with a Great God

  • Encourages People within the Context of a Christ-Centered Community

  • Equips People for Lives of Following Jesus

  • Launches People into Lives of Mission

Here is a summary of their current work. 

You may be wondering who is a part of each of these teams. Great question! Here is a rundown of who is involved on the teams directly and what groups are ancillary parts of their efforts. 

  • Engage 

    • Janelle de la Motte, Linda Futral, Bob Greenwalt, and Susan Contreras. Volunteers for both morning and evening worship services serve as a part of Engage. 
  • Encourage

    • Angela Westphal, Beth Goodell, Carol Randizi, Ed & Holly Heuer, Ted & Glenna Sanlis, Jacki Shotts, Jesse & Dorcas Yow, Mark and Kathy Klins, Mike and Marilyn Baker, and Christa Even. Stephen Ministry serves as a part of Encourage.  The Prayer Chain is a part of Encourage as well. 
  • Equip

    • Joe Ryno, Jeff Greenhagen, Beth Young, and Ken Gong. Bible study leaders for our Sunday morning, Tuesday evening, and Friday morning studies are a part of Equip. 
  • Launch

    • Amanda Parks, Pastor Joe Robb, and Theresa Scharlemann. Service projects across the church, school, and preschool are all a part of Launch. 

If you would like to find your place to serve the Body of Christ through one of these teams or the ministry efforts that they support please talk to any member of the team or contact Dave Rueter, Director of Ministry Engagement. 

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