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How can I get equipped to listen to others and pass on Jesus’ love?

by Marilyn Janzen-Baker on May 31, 2022


We want to reflect Christ’s light into the dark places of those we meet who are suffering.

We want to care for others so they can be reminded of the love and hope and salvation that Jesus freely offers them.

Do you know what to say to a friend in need? Do you want to be equipped to love and care for others?

Next Fall, our Stephen Ministry Leaders will provide training in listening and caring-for for anyone interested.  We are in the process of designing an online and in-person interactive curriculum that will equip you to help others. We feel this training is so important, you can get the training without signing up to be a Stephen Minister.

We have another opportunity for those who are interested in identifying people that need care:  On Sunday, June 26 at 10:30 am in the Conference Room, we will have a class on identifying those who are struggling with life difficulties.

If you have any questions regarding our Stephen Ministry Program, please call Dave Rueter at  925.961.5955  or email at  .

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