Greetings from Guatemala

July 25, 2024

July 2024

“But let all who take refuge (who trust) in You rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, because you defend them and spread your protection over them, that those who
love your name may exalt in You. For you bless the righteous, O Lord; You cover him with favor as with a shield “Psalm 5:11-12

Dear Family and Friends,

The rainy season has just begun, but it has come in fast and furious. There have been quite a few mudslides and sinkholes that have caused many of the major roads outside of Guatemala City to collapse. One of the rivers that runs alongside our rural church has flooded and many of the children’s houses who come to our Saturday church have been affected. 

The rain has also brought with it an infestation of mosquitos causing an outbreak of dengue. Guatemala has declared a national health crisis as more than 55,00 have
already been affected.

Violence and crime are also on the rise causing many to live in fear. And with the high cost of living and low wages, many people can barely make ends meet. We have seen how the “storms of life” ... be it by one’s own bad choices, unpleasant circumstances, natural storms and plaques, or things that just take us by surprise are bringing people to seek the only One who can help them.

We as a ministry, continue to stand our ground and fight against the onslaught of the enemy, bringing hope in Jesus to the downtrodden. We are reaching out in His love
and touching lives every day. We are teaching and preaching the Word of God, feeding the poor, handing out clothes and shoes in extremely poor communities and sharing the light of Jesus to those who are living in darkness. We give thanks to the Lord for all that He is doing in our midst.

Please continue to uplift Pastor Charlotte as she continues to serve the Lord wherever He sends her. She has just returned from Norway where she was able to see and
minister to many of her spiritual children from the Ukraine who are refugees there due to the ongoing war in their country. In August she will be travelling to Guatemala as
well as to Honduras.

Let us continue to stand on the promises of God: that He has gone before us; that He will make the rough places smooth; that He will protect us; that He will equip us; that He will provide for us; that He is our healer and that He will give us His Peace in the middle of the storm.

May the Lord bless each and every one of you, May He make His face to Shine upon you, May He keep you from harm’s way and May He fill you with His peace. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and for your financial support. For together we can do great exploits for the Lord!

Love, In Him,
Janet Volkman

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