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Gifted for More Inventory Update

by Dave Rueter on November 20, 2024

This fall, Our Savior participated in a Gifted for More campaign with Lutheran Hour (LHM) and Barna. As a part of that campaign, we held a Sunday morning Bible study on God’s gifting of His people and asked people to complete the Every Gift Inventory. It had been our hope to have leveraged the data returned from that inventory to better organize our volunteer coordination efforts.

Unfortunately, the results provided by LHM left much to be desired. While individual members who took the inventory were able to pass along their individual inventory results, the final report was entirely generic, only offering a high-level summary of the data collected. These disappointments along with a few notes on how to improve the user experience of the inventory have been passed along to LHM. Due to their not asking individuals taking the inventory for permission, they are legally not able to provide the level of details that would make data from this report directly actionable.

If you took the time to take the inventory, first we appreciate your doing so. Second, if you downloaded a copy of your results and are willing to provide that you can send that to Dave Rueter, who will attempt to integrate that within our new Church Management System (ChMS).

We do apologize that the time taken to complete this inventory did not result in the anticipated results for our ministry. We still hope to be able to make use of the Gifted for More class in an online format and desire to have people complete the inventory and provide their results directly to us for integration in our ChMS in order to better be able to coordinate volunteer involvement moving forward.

For anyone who did not complete the inventory and would like to do so, you can take care of that at https://www.everygift.org/. Then email your results to . Thank you for your support, participation, and understanding.

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