Answer to Prayer?

Have you ever prayed to God and He answered your prayers, but not in the way you had prayed for? Our God hears our prayers and often answers them in ways that we do not understand or see as "the right way." Today's readings remind us that God does what God does, and we are called to trust Him, through faith, even amid life's struggles.

God Provides

Of all the "I Am" statements that Jesus makes, "I am the light of the world" might be the most familiar. Family Worship will be focusing on this statement Jesus made and what it means on our journey through Lent.


Rules: we don’t always love them, we don’t always follow them, but we have to have them. But why? Moses receives the commandments from God in our Old Testament lesson. Why did he need them? What was the purpose? What happens when the rules are broken?

Digging into the Bible - Genesis 22

I Am the Vine

Joy Facing Condemnation

I Am the Vine (Family)

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